ComfyGo Phoenix Lightweight Folding – A Review

ComfyGo Phoenix Lightweight Folding – A Review

Are you looking for an electric wheelchair with an elegant design, durable chassis and light weight? How about the lightest folding electric wheelchair on the market?

Check out the ComfyGo Phoenix Folding Electric Wheelchair. The wheelchair frame is made from a durable, ultra-lightweight carbon fiber material, making it ideal for those who are active and busy but don’t want a heavy, bulky power chair.

If you love to travel, the Phoenix Foldable Power Wheelchair is a great choice because it’s not only lightweight and durable, but it’s also approved by airlines, cruise lines, and the FDA. It has a carbon fiber chassis for durability and a sleek look.

ComfyGo is known for its large collection of foldable electric wheelchairs. Two 6AH Li-ion quick charge batteries power the electric wheelchair and can travel up to 15 miles on a single charge. For more on our best folding power wheelchairs visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.

Easy-to-use joystick control on the hand allows the user to control direction and change speed. This folding electric wheelchair has a speed indicator and even a buzzer. The joystick is easy to use and can easily be changed to either side of the chair.

The ComfyGo Phoenix is ​​the lightest folding electric wheelchair on the market today. With the battery attached, it weighs only 47 pounds. But with the battery removed, the chair only weighs 40 pounds.

Powered by two 180-watt brushless motors, it folds up in seconds for easy travel. Perfect for storage and travel, it fits easily into most luggage.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.